At last!

Finally! Newcastle finally beat one of my most hated teams today,getting a crucial,but superb win against Manchester United,beating the arrogant tossers 1-0.

The atmosphere was fantastic at the ground,where everyone supporting Newcastle got right behind the team,and was so,so pleased to hear the final whistle.I was jumping with joy,as I know,this opposition will use every dirty trick in the book to win the game.It was a worthy win.

Any victory now in this season,is priceless.


I was also disappointed to see the usual,very bad behaviour from certain players yesterday.The Everton keeper should have been booked,for his blocking shove against one of the Crystal Palace players,who tried to retrieve the ball after scoring a successful penalty.Of course,it made no difference,as Everton won the match,but I still really hate seeing some players act like this.I mean,what's the point of stopping your opponent from trying to get the ball? It serves no purpose,and is clearly bad behaviour.The officials should be taking a more,sterner view on this.

But of course,that's never going to happen.


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