Some thoughts..

Got to admit,my body is totally knackered with my work.I really think,it's slowly killing me.Roll on Friday,that's all I can say.

Anyway,my birthday's next week,and I'm still really looking forward to receiving something soon.That's going to be,a great morale booster.

Obviously,November is next week too,and that means,more Christmas ads,especially the charity ones.

All of them,are really heartbreaking and sad,the homeless,the defenceless children,the people suffering overseas.I have cried many times watching stuff like this.

Now,before some self-opinionated tosser gets on my case and snarls in my face:"Well,do something about it then!" I can assure you,I have.Many times!

The maddening thing to me,is being stunned when I found out some charities,aren't giving the donations to those that need it.Instead,the top directors and other,higher management have been pocketing the money themselves.

This really made me mad,and although I still give to charity on occasion,it still makes me suspicious if my money ever gets to the right people.Those that are stealing the donations,deserve to burn.



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