
Showing posts from June, 2017

From Rafa Lee:Bondage comic commission.

I just recently commissioned this artist from Brazil,to do me several pages of many,pretty damsels in distress,being bound and gagged. He's not the best I've seen,but I do like it. I have a couple of more pages done,and will post them soon.

Wonder Woman third gag version.


Wonder Woman second gag version.


Wonder Woman held hostage,by Alazar.

Even though I was still bitterly disappointed,not to see a full treatment,bound and gagged scene for the very beautiful Israeli actress:Gal Gadot in her role,I was still pleased to ask. Alazar for this brilliant commission. I was very lucky he did three,alternative gag versions for her too.:) The scriptwriters let me down badly in the film though.There is a scene for Gal,although it's not to my liking. At least,the immortal Lynda Carter gave us several enjoyable scenes,when she performed the role in the 70's tv show. Let's hope if there's a second film,they'll do much better.

No more Facebook for me.

When I first activated my Facebook account,I was very excited. Now however,the excitement has totally disappeared.A lot of bitter experiences there,have now shown me,that there are some really nasty,vicious people there. Spies,cyber-bullies have totally ruined it for me.Indeed,some friends are now enemies. They can go to hell.

Once upon a Time in the West.

I must admit when I first watched this spaghetti western,I didn't really enjoy it,although the gun battles were pretty good(which is what its all about) In recent times however,the film has grown more on me.The late Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda were really good actors,and played both their parts very well. I liked this scene,where the Italian actor playing the desperado comes into a bar after shooting down his escort taking him to jail.It was quite funny watching the Italians pretending to speak English,although it was clearly dubbed.

Two pretty,Royal Navy hostages.

My latest commission I got,from the very lovely Greek lady:Stela,who is on Deviant Art. It was a long wait,but I was very pleased to get it. I have ordered another commission from her,but it will be a while again. However,I'm enjoying this lovely picture.

From Skelebomb.

I managed to get another picture done for me,from this artist I found on Deviant Art. I was very pleased he is also a damsel in distress fan. Hopefully,I can get another commission from him in the future.

The Sanna Menace:Another version.

Here's the first page from a new artist from Brazil. Second page is currently being done,so hopefully,I'll see it today or tomorrow. I actually like this style.

Very excited.

I'm very pleased to find a new artist,who will do another version of my Sanna Menace story. I still have two other artists in the same project,but there's always delays,and I don't like that. Their art is still great,and I still hope they will do me more pages. For the moment though,I'm hoping this new artist I chose,will do me plenty of pages. I've seen his first two sketches he did for me,and it looks good.He says he's doing the line work now. I can't wait to see it.


Just finishing watching the Champions League Final between Juventus and Deal Madrid. Real were worthy winners,but I still can't stand Ronaldo.He may be a fantastic player,but I've utterly despise his cheating behaviour at times. I did really want Juventus to win,but they were second best tonight.

My Mental Health.

In the past few months,my mind has been under attack from severe mental trauma,due to bumping into the wrong kind of people. I just can't believe how so many I met in my life,have all turned out to be really nasty pieces of work. A recent experience on one of my favourite websites,led me to think some of the things that were said to me,was that he was being confrontational. Very,very disappointed he spoke to me that way,but he's just hardened my attitude towards him. How I wish I could go back in time to get my revenge,on all those that made me suffer.They've done enormous damage to me,and destroyed my life. It makes me think,if I really will lose my mind over this.

Pretty schoolgirl.Third version.


Pretty schoolgirl:Second version.


Latest Alazar picture.

I always enjoy getting pictures fluctuates Alazar.He's really great at drawing pretty girls bound and gagged. This latest picture I paid him for,is a pretty schoolgirl in distress. I got the idea from the film:The Big Hit,which had a very beautiful actress:China Chow,who played a kidnapped schoolgirl in it.A very young Mark Wharlberg,plays one of her kidnappers,but he saves her in the end. The film is actually good fun,being an action comedy. Sadly though,China just disappeared after this,but I'll always remember her fondly.