
Showing posts from August, 2018

More from Hollyrope.

The verbal abuse is still ongoing at Deviant Art,as I continue to exchange insults with a nasty yank over there.Anybody who has a verbal go at me,I always return the favour in kind.Got a feeling this is going to last a long time,but I'll be ready for him. He did actually make one positive comment on the picture I liked,and I responded reasonably back. Unfortunately,all his other comments have been sneering,patronising and nasty.So,I'm just waiting for his next tirade. +++ Anyway,moving on to more positive posts.Hollyrope has just posted another view of the beautiful bondage model,who is called Summer. Summer is one of my favourite bondage models from Hollyrope,especially when she's dressed like this.I must admit,I would have preferred to have seen ropes wrapped around her,and her gag is just a bit big for my liking. Even so,it's still a great picture. Well done,Hollyrope. N.B.Picture used with kind permission from Hollyrope. And if you don't belie

A rant.

Well,it had to happen sometime,didn't it? Some bloody yank had a go at me,when all I did was simply state a fantasy of mine on a picture I favoured. The cunt told me to eff off,but I returned the verbal abuse in kind.Fucking Prick. Not sure what it means for my future on Deviant Art,but this fucking cunt's not worthy it.He probably did it to get a reaction.I was glad to tell him to Fuck off too.

The Sanna Menace:Bad Guys Surprise.

Just posted this latest page on my Deviant Art profile,so here it is again on my blog. Matt did a great job for me here,but I have asked him for a couple of revisions.The next page,will have the bad guys getting a real,good mauling.

Hollyrope damsels.

It's been a while since I posted anything from the excellent Hollyrope website,and it had also been a while since I talked to the owner of the site. Fortunately,the owner is a very nice,friendly bloke,and has kindly granted me permission to use his pictures here. This is his most recent one that I like very much.I like seeing pretty girls wearing shirts,bound and gagged,and this one is no exception.

The Megladon.The facts.

It It's always interesting to find out the real facets about the monsters,that really did exist on Earth,long before the first humans arrived. This monster,is really scary.

Li Bingling:The Meg.

I did a brief update on my favourite blog earlier on this film,and now want to do the same here. Of course,it's a daft film,telling us about a group of scientists battling a giant shark known as The Megladon. This type of shark really did exist,but fortunately for us,they all died out due to climate change.Indeed,humanity just missed out,as they become extinct 1.7 million years ago,whilst the first humans arrived 1 million years ago.A lucky escape! Now,I'm a big fan of Jason Statham,as I love a lot of his films.Transporter 1 and 3,with his Expendables offerings too.I must admit,I didn't like it when he played a bad guy character in Fast and Furious 6,or 7. For the most part though,he does play the good guy,and he saves the girl. Which is why I'm interested in seeing this film,for the very beautiful Chinese actress:Li Bingbing. I'm amazed to see Li is 45 years old,but she's still staggeringly beautiful,but of course,she is in distress from the Megla

Latest Alazar picture:Felicia Chou in distress.

I love the very pretty Felicia Chou,who is an astro-physicist and the publicity officer for NASA. I have some interest in Astronomy,as I like reading about our own Solar System,and finding out about new Earth like planets outside our system.Anything beyond that though,is purely for rocket scientists. Anyway,I asked Alazar to do Felicia bound and gagged for me,and here she is.