
Showing posts from July, 2017

Air Force One is Down:Linda Hamilton.

It has been discussed before on Brian's Page,and I received a couple of negative results.The Moderator banned my post for being non-productive(for some strange reason) and some moron telling me I shouldn't be bringing this up. Mind your own business,pal.I can say what the hell I like. Honestly,there are some,really nasty and vicious cyber-bullies out there. Best just to check Brian's Page for any new pictures and updates,but it's best to keep quiet with the tosser Moderator in charge.Even the nasty scumbags on Anubis' Page keep up their vicious comments on a lot of people. Tossers... Anyway,I saw her in a film called:Air Force One is Down,where the US president,is seized by the bad guys,and Linda's character falls into their clutches too. I'm not looking forward to seeing the actors getting the treatment(if it's in the film) But hopefully,it will just be Linda bound and gagged. I hope it's a good action film,as the late author:Alis

Latest page from Matt.


Another deserved two fingered salute.

Well,I posted something on Brian's Page about Linda Hamilton,bound and gagged in a film called:Air Force One is Down. I made a big mistake in posting this,as one moron on Brian's Page responded by telling me,that I shouldn't have brought that up. Fuck off,you cyberbully cunt.I'll post what I like.It's you that shouldn't be posting nasty comments. And as expected,on Anubis' Page,I got more abuse from two of the regulars there for posting that. Fuck you Cunts too. I'll never post on those websites again.So many,nasty horrible people. Anyway,I've calmed down now,and will only concentrate on posting my favourite pictures and stories here from now on.

Latest commission from Geekling.

My latest picture I paid for from the fantastic,and highly talented Philippine artist:Geekling. I haven't seen the new Wonder Woman film yet,but I do know the very beautiful Israeli actress:Gal Gadot,didn't get a full treatment scene in it.Not even as her Diana Prince character. Very disappointed,but my imagination certainly thought of something. As she battles the Nazi scum,I asked for 2 pretty Royal Air Force girls,wearing the World War 2 uniform to join her in distress.

Dr Who.

I must admit,I have lost interest in the new Dr Who show.The stupid political correctness has totally spoilt it for me. I can't imagine the new Doctor character,is now a woman.Whilst I don't really have any objections to that,I don't like the idea of having a male companion to her,and getting into trouble. I always prefer watching the old shows.Granted,the sets didn't always look great,and a lot of the stories were terrible. However,there was always the promise of a pretty actress in the show,who gets bound and gagged. Interestingly enough,one of the first few female companions:Carole Ann Ford,who played Susan,said some of the female production team,had asked her if she could scream.It was also good to see her get bound and gagged in:The Keys of Marinus story.

Second Rafa commission.

The second page from Rafa: More to come later.

Anubis' Page.

Just did another update read on the above mentioned website,and I wasn't the least bit surprised to see the verbal abuse being dished out at certain posts on Brian's Page. I actually did agree with one post,saying how many times there's been so many disappointment from a lot of stuff. However,it was just ammunition for those vicious scumbags. Fuck you...