All quiet over there-for the moment....

Doing my regular reads on Anubis' Page,and for the moment,the nasty abuse seems to have stopped-for the moment at least.

The regulars there,have probably ran out of steam,although they will be still reading Brian's Page,desperate to slag someone off.

I was very disappointed with Raffish,as he seemed to join in the abuse aimed at me,so he gets,a much deserved two fingered salute.They're practically all,but a bunch of nasty cyber-bullies.How they can say it's entertaining is beyond me.Still,what goes around,comes around.

Sad bastards!

Still,it will return.I'm just waiting for it to happen.

Come on,you sad bastards.I haven't forgotten what some of you cunts said to me.Even on Brian's Page itself,the moderator's a nasty tosser with other individuals there.

If any of them visit here,I'll say:FINE! Remember me now,PUNK!!!!

Fuck you..


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